Sunday, October 31, 2010

An Endgame Study

Does anyone solve endgame studies? Most people don't, they think it's not like real Chess. But you should give it a try. It's very satisfying when you solve them. Here's one I created sort of by accident. It's a variation in a game I only managed to draw.

White to play and win

Here's a tough one to get your brain working before the league starts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Solution to the last problem

The position is taken from the book "Chess Exam and Training Guide" by Igor Khmelnitsky. The book is a modern classic that gives you a test of 100 problems, dealing with all aspects of chess, then gives you a rating of your ability, or weakness, in twelve different categories. Highly recommended!

Monday, October 18, 2010

White to play and win

Qxh7 would be mate if there wasn't that Knight on f6. What are you going to do about it?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A win by az2112

I like this game. A material imbalance. Then a mating net in the endgame.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

bshribharath draws a master

Unfortunately his opponent was Me. This is not a well played game, especially by myself. But I give it here to show bshribharath's fighting spirit to keep battling. Since this game was played he has gained 200 rating points!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Teams are entering T4545

Finally. . Chess Elements has four teams entered. More later when I get over my exhaustion of getting the teams finalized.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sign up for T47

You can now sign up for T47. If you've played before just log in and update your profile. New players to the league should do the same. You will get a password, make your profile, just check a couple of boxes and you're in. Soon afterward you will receive a league rating based on your ICC rating. Teams enter next Tuesday. I will be entering teams in five rating sections.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

U2200 Champion

Forever Young Knights won the T46 U2200 section. We drew them in the first playoff round but they advanced on tiebreaks. The first tiebreak is forfeits, we both had one. Forfeits are very costly. The second tiebreak in even numbered tournaments is to drop the board 4 score. In an odd numbered tournament, say T45 or T47, they drop the board 1 score and we would have advanced to the championship. In the regular season they scored 14 points, we managed 16. They scored 3 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws. We scored 3 wins, 0 loses, and 3 draws. Lets congratulate them on getting the job done. And we look forward to playing them in T47.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Now it's your turn

Enough of my games. Now it's your turn to send me your interesting games or positions that you would like see published here. Even annotate them if you want. But they need to be in pure PGN format. Send to .

Black to play

Solution to the last problem: The worst move is ..Ne7 which allows Nf6 mate. In this problem Black can win in many ways. Your goal is to find a shocking, killer move.

What's the worst move for Black

Solution to the last problem: 20..Nxe2 21.Qxe2 Qxd2 22.Qxd2 Nf3+ and Black wins a piece. In this position Black, whose name I crossed off, made a horrible move that allowed mate in 1.

Black to play and win

If the solution doesn't come quickly you need to work on your tactics. And even if this is easy for you, you need to work on your tactics.

Maartenkoning shows how to attack

Maarten sac's a piece for two pawns, but more importantly it opened up his opponents King. Good attacking play.