This blog is devoted to the members of the "element" teams.
This season we have 7 teams.
Here are the players:
Rhenium U2200 Paulkov (Capt), MaartenKoning, universe, Campagnolo (Asst), Seaborgium
Bohrium U2000 King-Ghost(Asst), LittleWarrior, UsuallySleepy, upsan, Salvatore (Capt)
Technetium U2000 Paulkov (Capt), Boromir, cesaralexander, futureGM, FlyingTiger, Campagnolo (Asst)
Tellurium U2000 jorobo (Asst), Livis, AreYouSerious, azbycx, Tamarin, az2112 (Capt)
Selenium U1800 vael, bshribharath, FlyingTiger, TwoEqualsOne, MasterOfTheKeys (Asst), Salvatore (Capt)
Niobium U1600 Ivio, Salvatore, Krysto, Berke, milesotoole, (Asst), Paulkov (Capt)
Rubidium U1400 Krysto (Capt),Berke (Asst), otib2006, Elalfer, tamky70
31 players from 16 countries.
Some of you are playing in the 90 30 tournaments. That's good. But scheduling your games in this league must come first.
In T48 the element teams had zero forfeits! In T49 we had five of them. But in T50 we had seven! That's just way too many. Let's get it back to zero.
I want to thank all the captains and their assistants for making this group of teams a reality.
If you play a good game it will be featured in this blog. If you really like your game, you can annotate it yourself for publishing.
Just let me know.
T51 games start NOW!
Good Luck everybody. Let's have a lot of fun.
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